Wednesday, March 25, 2015 Scams: A succesful logo and the correct use of space

In order to explain the effective use of spacing in a logo design we can use the logo example of FEDEX. Apart from the fact that they have used subliminal message in the logo (the arrow between EX) they also have effectively use the empty space which is termed as negative space here. There effective use of the space is the key to their success as a logo. The arrow sends in the message of forward motion and continuous work as FEDEX has a global presence and the packages are constantly in motion.

Apart from this the fact that the logo has font that cover the negative space i.e that they are big and bold and the use of color also gives it a distinct look. The use of Blue and orange depicts night and day respectively. This means that the company in constantly working 24/7. So the arrow shows forward motion, continuous improvement and so on. The beauty of a logo can sometimes be hidden as well. This is created to give the logo a longer life and meaning without actually saying anything. Many logos have captions along with them but if you are creative enough then the logo itself is enough to capture the imagination of the audience.     

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Logobench scam: How fake report can rip you off as a business.

If you are an online business then online reputation is everything for you and a bad review has greater power to ruin the life of a business an online notoriety fiasco. Despite whether the issue is genuine or false, and whether the charge is close to home or identified with business, the nightmare that appears to strike the most alarm is an appearance of a fake report.

Acording to Jaburg Wilk P.c. who's been the lead lawyer for the fake reports and its famous creator in almost 100 cases in this regard. Under his representation, these scam sites has never yet lost a case; however late court activities have prompted some imperative changes in the ways the site handles false and noxious grumblings. What these fake reports do is that they post fake reviews on their site. These reviews get good ranking immediately because of the sites authority and particular keywords searches. This goes on till the searches reach the top pages and customers start complaining and that is when you realize what has happened. The owners of these scam sites then try to blackmail the victims by saying that they will remove the post if they pay this much amount of money.